Data Privacy

Data & Privacy Guidelines

Adlily provides analytics to publishers and advertisers to help them understand how their content is performing on the Adlily platform.

These guidelines cover how we collect and use data. We are committed to respecting the privacy of our users and providing a safe and secure platform for everyone. Our data and privacy guidelines are not exhaustive and are designed to help clarify in simple language.

For detailed legal information please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Data Collection

We minimize data collection in general. We measure only the most essential data points to provide useful analytics to publishers and advertisers.

Privacy-first Analytics

All data collected by Adlily is anonymous and is not personally identifiable. We do however collect anonymous information about interactions with posters, such as impressions. We use this information to provide insights and metrics to publishers and advertisers.

All data is in aggregate only and cannot be associated with individual users. We only collect enough information to provide overall trends and analytics to our customers.

Your Account

When you create an account on the Adlily platform, we collect information about you that is required to create your account. This includes, but is not limited to, your email address and username. We use this information to identify you within the platform.

Third-party Services

We use third-party services to provide essential functionality to the platform, such as authentication and payment processing. We limit the amount of data we share with these third parties to only what is required for them to provide their services.


We do not store your password on our servers. All credentials, or passwords are handled by Clerk (opens in a new tab) and are not shared with us. For detailed information about Clerk's policies, please refer to their Privacy Policy (opens in a new tab) and Terms of Service (opens in a new tab).

Payment Information

We do not store any payment information on our servers. All payment information is handled by Stripe (opens in a new tab) and is not shared with us. Stripe facilitates purchases and payouts on the Adlily platform. For detailed information about Stripe's policies, please refer to their Privacy Policy (opens in a new tab) and Terms of Service (opens in a new tab).

Data Usage

We expect our publishers and advertisers to adhere to our commitment of privacy and security. We do not allow the collection of personally identifiable information through our platform. We do not allow the collection of any information that could be used to track or identify individual users.

Retention & Deletion

All analytics data is retained for a maximum of three months. After three months, all analytics data is permanently deleted from our servers. You may delete or export your data or at any time by contacting us via our Discord Server or by emailing us at [email protected].


We do not believe the information we collect and provide could be used maliciously, but we do take precautions to prevent misuse of our platform.

If we do find someone is attempting to misuse our system or the analytics we provide to harass, track, or gather invasive information they should not have access to, we will not hesitate to permanently terminate their access to our services and evaluate if changes need to be made to how we collect and serve data.